Spotted: Adam Suonio – Memories

Spotted: Adam Suonio – Memories

Today I’m presenting you with the track Memories by the Finnish composer and piano player Adam Suonio. Adam has studied classical piano at the Sibelius Academy and has produced music for other artists for the past 20 years. He just recently started releasing his own music, and this is his first single.

The track Memories was released as a single on the 5th of July, 2024.

Tell us something about your track Memories!
My way to compose is to have a cup of good coffee, lay my hands on piano keyboard and then just follow what they find. I don’t think very much, I just play what comes my mind and try to catch the best ideas. This time the result was a bit nostalgic waltz. I recorded it immediately in my home studio and mixed it ready. I bet this time my half cup of coffee was still warm after the whole process. Sometimes music comes easy way like this, sometimes it takes more struggling.

Thank you for this Adam!