Spotted: Eamon Watt – Summer’s end

Spotted: Eamon Watt – Summer’s end

Today I’m introducing you too The Virtual Conductor! Or Eamon Watt which is his real name. Eamon is from the Shetland Island (google that if you don’t know where that is, I sure wasn’t sure). Eamon doesn’t just play the piano, he also works as drum instruction (full time, and when he has time as he said it). Since 2012 he has written 92 classical pieces under both his own name and The Virtual Conductor.

This track is featured on the album Pianissimo a casa, a 10-track piano album which has the theme and the musical tone of being at home .

Tell us something about the album!
Just imagine yourself in a living room, upstairs in an apartment, it’s a lazy Sunday, it’s an overcast day and and there’s not much to do other than watching the scenery and all the people go from outside your window. It’s that peaceful sort of feeling that this album evokes.

Please tell us something about your track Summer’s end!
For this track, Summer’s end, I imagined the clocks going back and the days getting darker and colder. An image of an early sunset comes to mind while the dark cloudy Sky slowly fades in, and the previous summer season is now just a memory until next year. Up here in Shetland, the summer light can go on for 24 hours and after summer passes, the winter darkness starts as early as 3 p.m.
The song was composed on Cubase using Imperfect Samples Braunschweig Upright Piano. I chose this virtual Piano in particular as it has that perfect ‘homely’ sort of sound. All of it was drawn out using the pencil tool in the MIDI editor, so this is actually not a live performance, but it’s made to sound as much like one as possible!

Thank you for sharing with us Eamon!

For more information, please check out these links!
Facebook / Website / Spotify