Today I’m presenting you with the track Bells ring on me by the Spanish composer and piano player Susana García Polio. Susana was born in Valladolid and lives in a country house in Simancas. She was born into a musical family and started to play the piano at the age of eight. She has studies music in both Paris and London, and now world as a musical language teacher.
The track Bells ring on me was released as a single on November 29, 2024, but it will probably be part of a future album dedicated to Christmas themes.
Tell us something about your track Bells ring on me!
Lately I’ve been releasing Christmas music written for solo piano in a warm and simple style, like Bells ring on me. I recorded it myself at home. Bells ring on me comes from the love I have had since I was a child for Christmas music. I never imagined that I would compose in this style because I had the feeling that all the carols were already written and wonderful. It means for me going back to those years when my father directed the church choir and my brothers and I sang the four-part Christmas carols that he arranged himself…
Thanks for sharing this with us Susana!