Today I’m presenting you with yet another track from Yes it’s Ananias, taken from the album Yes it’s Ananias pt. IV: Turbulence after the crash landing into the forth dimension. I have written about both Yes it’s Ananias and the album before so just click on the name to find everything about him and the album!
Tell us something about your track ARRIVINTERVAL, PT. III (TURBOLENCIAS DE LA VIDA REAL)!
Historically in my works, surely one of the loneliest compositions or; most transparent improvisations i have done to date. It starts with common schemes that pop up throughout the complete IV work and path that this psychoautomatic album launches and provides a physical exhaustion. In the end namely, there is no more power left. A real life turbulence. Or as we sit in an Airplane like the beginning of the Album, a highspeed towards west Turbolence with nonfuncioning engines. No Turbo anymore. only slow life to figure out every next step that shall nourish every muscle’s oxygen that is being pumped through your body. Life is not step by step, it’s staircase by staircase (spiral ones?)
It is heavy, it is super dark. For me the aristocratic opponentum, a technical fail of playing and outgoing inspiration within a recording is nothing but showing my true soul and make a certain moment in the studio very visible. It cost a lot of power and strenght, some may say guts to put this on an album… but after this track was made, my idea of the whole flight and creating a cinematographic Finale with actually recording the BOING’s landing with roaring engines in the cabine and seat area was perfect. like going into a different dimension (the fourth?), and land into the unknown that is already waiting for you. Caribbean sea? heaven? Mostly a place you have earned. If you listen to the whole record.
Thank you very much for this!