Today I’m introducing you (again!) to the Spanish duo Biba Dupont, consisting of Helga Blanco and Xalo Gayoso. One of the more productive duos out here I would say. Here we have a wonderful little piano piece called Venice is falling asleep. And I’ll let them introduce you to the song!
Please tell us something about your track Venice is falling asleep!
Venice is falling asleep is part of an EP, 10pm train to Venice. The EP is based on a night travel we did when we met, from Venice to Zagreb, on an old post sovietic wagon. We slept in that train and the three tracks represents three moments of that travel: the sunset on Venice, full of light, falling slowly into the night, the dreams and concentration sleeping in that train (they asked for the passports with a gun in their hands!) and, finally, arriving to Zagreb, a city full of colours. The train arrived just front of a big traditional market, early in the morning, so we had an extraordinary breakfast.
It was a very difficult and exigent track. We had different parts well glued but a bad beginning. We had to tried with different startings until we discover the current start, wich we think express the feeling of a strong light, the kind of light you only find near by the sea…As every composer knows, sometimes music writes for itself and sometimes you have to rewrite over and over.
We normally write all the track (pen and paper) before recording anything at our studio. Until we have a strong pianist version we don’t try to record it. We need to think it could be playable everyplace everymoment. Then, when we have the piano version we start to record and produce, focusing on timbre, adding deepness and richness. The recording of this track was amazingly fast, we had it in one or two hours! After weeks writing it!
Thank you Biba, and keep up the very good work!
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