Spotted: Luiisred – Sombras del silencio

Spotted: Luiisred – Sombras del silencio

Today I’m presenting you with the track Sombras del silencio by the Spanish composer and piano player Luiisred, based in Barcelona. Luis has played the piano since the age of six and built his own home studio when he was 17.

The track Sombras del silencio was released as a single on the 8th of may, 2024.

Tell us something about your track Sombras del silencio!
Playing the piano, for me, is like entering a meditation state. I spend hours improvising, trying to express myself through the piano, and sometimes an idea emerges that captivates me. “Sombras del silencio” comes from one of those nights when, recalling some sad memories, I express my feelings through harmony and melody. Specifically, this piece deals with the difficult moments I went through during recess time at school, being alone. This period was not a good experience for me, but years later I can transform it into something beautiful.