Spotted: Project Kronos – Late in the afternoon

Spotted: Project Kronos – Late in the afternoon

Today I’m presenting you to the Lebanese piano player and composer Jean Paul Zoghbi and his Project Kronos. Jean Paul started playing the piano at the age of four. His parents used to take him to church on Sundays, and when he got back home he usually started playing the hymns he had heard by ear.

The track Late in the afternoon was released as a single on the 16th of October, 2020.

Tell us something about the track Late in the afternoon!
The track ‘Late in the Afternoon’, was actually composed one late summer afternoon, sitting on my porch, surrounded by tall pine trees and an endless wilderness. It was serene, quiet and calm. I was trying to empty my mind, and the tune just came to me. I ran to my piano, and it just flowed naturally. The whole composition took 5 minutes to create.

Thank you Jean Paul!

For more information, please check out the following links:
Facebook / Instagram / Spotify