Spotted: Serenity Falls – Light

Spotted: Serenity Falls – Light

Today I’m introducing you to the project Serenity Falls project bt the composer and piano player Paul Dal Broi from Australia. Paul started playing the piano at the age of 14, and is now a piano teacher as well as a composer and piano artist. He started working on Serenity Falls about 18 months ago after discovering artists like Nils Frahm and Joep Beving.

The track Light was released as a single in the 2nd of April, 2021.

Tell us something about your track Light!
“Light” is dedicated to my dear friend John who recently lost his life due to cancer. Even through personal hardship, John always had a positive outlook on life, right up to the end. His light always shone brightly.I taught John piano for 18 years and at the end it became the student teaching the teacher.

Thank you very much for this Paul!