Today I’m introducing you to Swedish composer and piano player Ulf Svedlund who makes neo classical music using the moniker Solulf. Sol means sun in Swedish, so I guess Sunny Ulf would be a good translation. If that matters? That’s just my interpretation, so you know.
Ulf lives in Stockholm and this song is taken from his second EP Andra. And again with the translation; andra means second.
My EP from 2015 had a lot of overdubs, and big arrangements, so this one is completely different.
I immideatly fell for the amazing cover art of this release, which is made by Daniel Segerheim.
Tell us something about your track Nu då så!
This track was composed in a quite unusual way, for me anyways. I wrote it during my parental leave. So when I sat at the piano I almost always had my son in my lap, with one hand on the keys and one arm around my kid. So I wrote the melody first, and added the bass notes later on.
It’s a first take recording so there are some mistakes and I was quite nervous for some reason. We kept that feeling, my producer Andreas Söderström like it, it creates a tense feeling which adds a nice layer to the song.
Thank you for this song Ulf! Love the cover art btw!
For more information please check out these links:
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