Spotted: Yes it’s Ananias – Clever Mañana

Spotted: Yes it’s Ananias – Clever Mañana

Today I’m presenting you with another great track by Yes it’s Ananias. Since I just wrote about him, you should check out this post to get to know him better. Here’s a longer quote about the track instead!

The track Clever Mañana was released as a single on the 25th of august, 2023 but will also be part of an upcoming album.

Tell us something about your track Clever Mañana!
The true facts about the title suggestion were the following: My producer tracked me and pressed REC on a very late hour around 8 o’clock evening and I had a detailed idea about this melody that wouldn’t go away. So with the last take (might be around 10 takes or so) it was locked. All my Songs are 100% one Takes, some of them are first takes and it’s all improvised. But it’s also a Gamble…

It is heavely inspired by the travelings of the previous days I was feeling hurt and harmed by the circumstances of lives and the danger that one of the most beautiful country has to face. Obsessive (and necessairy…) Presence of highest and fully armed Military everywhere… Driving to the studio on the highway I saw three cars up in flames upside down, possibly newly exploded. Might be still people burning inside. And easily just drive with a 200 km/h small family wagon, watched the flames for a nanosecond, then being exposed to the desert hill view and listened to “Arizona” by Kings of Leon. Surrealistic as it was, the most extreme mexican melody I suppose just perfectly was given the misunderstood title. William made a Clever Move the next morning. We left it as he heard me excactly wrong. A flipside so to say… Full range life. That was the certain vibe there.

Thank you very much for sending this in!