Spotted: Anders Wiking with Sleepy Songs – Sakruveta

Spotted: Anders Wiking with Sleepy Songs – Sakruveta

Today I’m introducing you to the final track from the collaboration EP With which was releases a week ago. This track is a collaboration between me and my friend Anders Wiking who is an amazing guitar player. He went to some kind of fancy music school in America a while back, but now makes a living as a pre school teacher and plays music for children with me in our band Rimstad Rockerz.

As a couple of the other songs I started working on this track during the summer of 2019 when I was living in a house in Falsterbo in the south of Sweden. I immediately felt it was a track that would go well with guitar and piano, so I sent it to Anders. When we were talking about titles for the song, Anders at some point wrote “Sakruveta”. And this might be hard to understand if you’re not Swedish, but what he wanted tho write was really “Ska du veta” (which would translate to something like “You know”) but with sloppy (guitar) fingers and autocorrect de activated, he wrote Sakruveta instead. And that’s where the name came from!

So Anders, tell us something about the track Sakruveta!
The song in itself is my first collaboration and it was pretty hard to come up with parts, I’m used to be the one writing the main theme and then Johan does his producer thing and the rest is magic. So I did my best and came up with some pretty solid parts that was partially cut due to my horrible recording skills. The song came out pretty nice and I hope you will enjoy it. 

Mor information about Anders and his music can be found here:
Instagram / Facebook / Spotify