Spotted: Erik Slättberg – Safe Here

Spotted: Erik Slättberg – Safe Here

Today I’m introducing you to another lovely song by Swedish pianist and composer Erik Slättberg based in Örebro. More about Erik can be found here!

The song Safe Here was released as a single on the 18th but is also featured on the compilation Uto’pians by Blue Spiral Records.

Tell us something about your song Here!
”Safe Here” was recorded together with other tracks last summer, were I happen to press record on one of these quite, rare and magic days where everything just clicks fine. The entire tune is an improvisation that happened just once, and where I did not try to project any forehand meaning, but where the meaning just happened by itself. It’s funny how I often create my most musical tracks in the mood of having no plan at all. You can here part of that jazzy kind of freedom where the parts are kind of the same but not as orderly as in most of the neoclassical music. Nonetheless, it reflects a very calm, light and meditative kind of emotion. It felt warm to me, which is why I named it the way I did. This track is released not only as a single, but also as a part of the collaboration album Uto’pians by Blue Spiral Records.

Thank you for sharing this with us Erik!

For more information about Erik and his music, check out these links!
Facebook / Homepage / Instagram / Spotify