Spotted: Umeå Bodø – Dragonfly Dance

Spotted: Umeå Bodø – Dragonfly Dance

Today it’s time to introduce you to another track by the Udo Mechels and his project Umeå Bodø. Udo is a professional singer and songwriter since 2006, and started out by playing the piano and clarinet as a kid. At the age of 30 he started his professional musical career.

The track Dragonfly Dance is featured on the EP Pianimals which was released on Friday the 13th of march of 2020.

Tell us something about your track Dragonfly Dance!
Originally, I wrote Dragonfly Dance to very dark lyrics of a professional lyricist with hits in Belgium and Holland. She wrote those lyrics in the seventies, when being gay was not that easy. I guess she often felt alone and carried this burden with her for a long time. Like dragonflies, dancing in the dark, looking forward to turning on their light and being able to be themselves.

Thanks for sharing this track with us Udo!

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